Researchers at Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology in Germany report that Taxol improves movement and function in rats with spine injuries, by promoting nerve regeneration. 德国马克斯普朗克神经生物学研究所的专家报告说,紫杉醇能够通过促进神经细胞的再生,改善脊椎损伤的老鼠的行动和功能。
The main points in the dissertation are as follows: ( 1) The dissertation Analyses the properties of gas radiation, and the computation of optical depth and Planck function. 分析了气体辐射的特性,包括辐射与组成气体的原子或分子的能级跃迁、振动&转动谱线和谱线展宽之间的关系,以及光学厚度和普朗克函数对于气体辐射计算的意义和计算方法。
A light frequency equation of inflexion on planck function 普朗克函数的拐点光频率方程
Approximate calculation of integration of the Planck function over broad spectral intervals 宽光谱间隔普朗克函数积分的近似算法
From spectra of prominences to Planck function of Open Systems 从日珥光谱到开系普朗克函数
A simple approximate method for calculating the values of integration of the Planck function over broad spectral intervals is presented. 提出了一种计算宽光谱间隔的普朗克函数积分值的简单近似方法。